July 23, 2012

The Project School Indianapolis Lament

This past week has been an emotional roller coaster. I can't even list all the things that have gone on...mainly because I feel on overload and can't remember them all. Highlights include getting quoted in the IndyStar, walked a picket line, shadowed at a new salon, and had two rough days with my husband. I'm spent.

 This is my children's school. It's a progressive school with project based education. Very similar to a Montessori type of learning environment. What makes our school different is that our motto: Heart, Mind, Voice is based on the idea that children need to feel safe in their environment before they are able to effectively learn. Sometimes that means you have to take care of their social and emotional needs before you can ever begin to take care of their educational needs. Amazingly enough, it takes very little time for the children that come here to realize that this school and these teacher and administrators are here for them. This is their school. This is a safe place where ideas are not laughed at nor are you made fun of for learning at different rates of speed or levels. As a parent, the beauty of this place for me is that it's a community. A place where my children are learning not just ABC & 123, algebraic equations and reading comprehension (which they are), but they are experiencing these things in practical ways that I didn't get the opportunity to in school. Things such as how each choice has a consequence and that sometimes manifests itself in unexpected ways i.e. my junior highers learning that your credit score effected things like your insurance rates or the ability to live in decent housing or how to change a tire (this was tied into geometry. the angle at which the car had to be positioned in order to do so and why)

The school is located in a converted factory where the very first V6 engine in America was produced. It was purchased and renovated 5 years ago in a time when economically it was almost impossible to do these things. Yet a loan was secured and each year they have been able to maintain and expand the property. Gym class is done in two different electives: sports inclined or walking which is done by taking them to various trails and cultural walkways all over the city. Music encouraged by the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. Big City Farms volunteered to help with projects on Urban Sustainability and teachers paid for (out of their own pockets) for eggs to be incubated for our chicken coop. My youngest daughter learned of her love for the stage during her Passions Class taught by Mr. Justin from the Young Actor's Theatre of downtown Indianapolis because finding what you're passionate about is part of a well-rounded education.

I think what hurts my feelings the most are the lies. This school and these people are apart of my family. When someone speaks against my family they are speaking against me as well. That just simply can not and will not be tolerated. The above picture was taken at the Press Conference the school called upon learning via the media that our charter was being revoked for sub par test scores and financial mismanagement. The mayor's office failed to recognize that the 3M in debt is actually a mortgage. A MORTGAGE!!! Because we are a school of involved parents who refuse to give up on our school, we formed a peaceful protest & picketed the mayor's office on Friday.

I'm shocked and appalled. I'm hurt. With 2 weeks left before school was slated to start, where will my children go? I'm fearful to send them to our local public school. They came from a small farm community into this beacon of encouragement and support. IPS will devour them. Not to mention that I want project based/ reggio emilia inspired education.

I'm emotionally exhausted. The choices for our next year now hang in the balance. Friday I shadowed at a salon just up the street from the school and nine blocks walking distance from Em's high school so that the No Buses for charter schools wouldn't effect us. Financially, my husband and I need for me to return to work at this time. At least until my student loans are paid off. Now, I may not be able to simply because our other school options leave me no options.

I'm weary. The wait is killing me. The meeting started an hour and a half ago and I just keep praying, "Please, Mayor Ballard. Look at the over all good of this school. That children thrive and academically excel if given the two year grace needed to let the methods take effect." Actually, it doesn't even take that long. It's simply what we ask for so that as a school we aren't judged based upon the child's previous school's test scores. Would you like to be graded as a Mayor based on Bart Peterson's term?

Prayers needed all around, Sweet Readers. I have secured a place for Lily and Belle at Beech Grove Schools, but the $260 initial cost and pick-up schedule may seriously hurt this family financially.

I feel sick. 

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