July 01, 2012


For all those who were inquired and patiently waited while the 8-year-old was the family guinea pig....Camp was a smashing SUCCESS!!!

When Em and Lil went to camp, I got to sit in a sweltering parking lot with a myriad of other parents waiting for a bus to belch out our children. Then it was sort through a zillion and one totes and sleeping bags and odd assortments of this and thats double checking to make sure you grabbed your own possessions and not some other kids all while your kid (and in my case TWO) told you 20,000 tales about their adventrues and screeched goodbyes across the parking lot to other kids as their parents where doing the exact same thing you are doing. By the time all the property is shoved and stuffed in the van (did I mention I also was a single parent at the time with a fascinated toddler who kept chasing her sissies across the death trap parking lot) you're completely exhausted and realize that the only thing the week they're at camp is for on your end is to recupperate from the drop off and gear up for the pick up.  All the excitement of getting to wrap your babies in your arms once more is lost in a sea of oozing black top and the lingering effect of sugar highs from the pixie stix at the canteen.

Going to Mitchell to pick Belle up at Spring MILL Bible Camp was a completely different experience. The counselors were the ones looking spent and ready for a long winter's nap. The kids had everything packed up and on their bunks waiting to be tossed into the chariot that would take them home...or in our case the State Park down the road for a days worth of camping and siteseeing at the Pioneer Village.

I didn't anticipate how antsy I would be. Sitting in the parking lot you have no choice but to well...wait. Knowing that the car was in a forward motion and acting propelling us forward to get Belle made me a toe-tapping NUT! I couldn't get there fast enough. Especially once we parked the car. We were half way to her cabin when B decided to just go back and drive the van around. I started walking faster and faster and faster until I was in a dead on sprint up the wooded trail to her cabin.  I mean I was bookin it, y'all. Bookin'. It.

Behind me I could hear my other two baby girls screamin "MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!" Not stopping, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Belle Girl running full speed after me. I turned on my heels and started back DOWN the trail to my little slip of doll baby. By the time that girl got to me she was sobbing and tears were just rolling down her face. She croaked out, 'I missed you so much.' I liked to have died. My baby. The youngest. The littlest one that we sacrificed as the ginuea pig was a crying mess and hadn't been able to reach us all week. "Oh, Honey, didn't you like camp?!?" "Yeah, It was AWESOME!!! I just missed you." Insert toothless smile.

The next couple days were at camp this and at camp that. It was a blessed and fantastic first overnight camp experience for her. She can't wait to go next year. And I am pleased because Spring MILL is only $100 a week!!

And apparently, the food is excellent ;)

Later Days, Babies


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