July 12, 2012

The Big Book

I'm so very excited to share with you today a little prize I bought for myself Tuesday evening when I popped into Good Earth in pursuit of something to help Lily clear up some sort of poison something or other. The doc told her dad that the rash on her step-sister wasn't poison IVY, but it's poison vine of some kind.

So there I was, upstairs, in the apothecary's shop (my favorite part of the store. I have a secret desire to work up there and learn all the ends and outs of the various herbs and natural healing elements) asking the dude behind the counter for their reference book...again. It's all beat up and dog-eared and well used and oh-so-loved. Every time I'm in there and flip through it's pages I just wanna slip it into my bag and sneak off down the stairs with it. It looks so old that I just assumed like most things I inquire about it is no longer available.

EUREKA! It was on the shelf. New and current editions. Slightly more than I usually spend on anything for myself, but I really wanted this. Typically I am over whelmed with Buyer's Remorse every time I spend money on myself but this time... Baby, I am just STOKED! It gives herbal and traditional suggestions. Eastern and Western alternatives. It's arranged alphabetically according to ailment for quick reference. Anybody need some homeopathic reference material regarding everything from acne to yeast infections or various herbs and minerals hit me up. You can use my book anytime.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed physician or pharmacist. I recommend seeking medical professional help in all cases. I do not offer advise or treatments of any kind and personally seek the advice of my physician before taking any and all herbal supplements. This is a method passed down generationally from my mother's side and I just happen to prefer it to Western Medicine. Please Please PLEASE do NOT say under any circumstances "Rachel Said to do...." I'm just a girl who loves me some natural products. 

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