September 06, 2012

Aaaannnnd GO!


So here's the low down on why it's been almost a MONTH since we've visited. *Deeeep Breath*

Big Man left Lowe's and is now working as the Property Leasing Manager for Realty Wealth Advisers. It's a start up and they actually have offices now (which is pretty kick butt) only he takes his laptop with him to the office and various housing sites all day. This leaves me in a bit of a technological lurch seeing as how Lizzie, my puter, took a nose dive several months back. We weren't in any hurry to get her repaired (thought it was a battery thing but I suspect a wire connection issue from the keyboard to the screen) since we had B's. So when he started taking his laptop to work Lizzie jumped to the front of the Must Fix List. Except....

The bulb blew out in the TV the other day. I'm not too terribly concerned with this. I couldn't care less about not having a television. No ugly news. No video games. No incessant babble in the background. SA-WEEET! However, the rest of Clan Maxwell is not as joyous as I am and I fear Lizzie is getting pushed to the back in order to have the Boob Tube back in business. Theeeeen....

Two days ago, B went to open the door to his truck and the handle was wonky and wouldn't open. He crawled through and did that for a day, but come on. If your real estate guy pulled up and had to Dukes of Hazzard it in and out of a ForeRunner would you be impressed? Hmmmmm....actually, maybe I would...most likely I'd make fun of him. It's horrid, but honest. So off to Buck's Automotive I took Becs (yes, and again, I name every single thing we own...that I like) to see what was amiss. $50 has her opening until the $495 part could be ordered...or found cheaper from a junk yard!!

Not to be outdone, Ruthie (ma van) has a few issues all her own that will no longer be ignored. SO. Lizzie is now at the bottom of a long heap of crap that has to come first. Which means I will be posting few and far between as the technology will be on the northside of Indianapolis for the majority of the day.

This is super sucky since I have tons and loads to yak about. The school we went rogue and formed. Emma's attempt to get to see the British Isles this summer. The salon I've set up in the house. The social experiment we are currently undertaking since Emma went (and I quote B on this) "shit stupid" last weekend and told me I had plenty of time since I was 'home all day'. So for the time being Emma has to do MY job and I have to do the dishes...her one chore. Should be interesting. I've already learned something...that I like my "job". Not the hair bit, although I do enjoy that so much I can't really call it a job, but the momma business. The picking up and cooking and all the things that come with it. I'm a bit lost this week. I'm glad I've had hair stuff to keep me occupied. I've finished a book. I'm off to clean my Catch-All Room (aka our bedroom) today.

Anyways, I missed being on this space. Missed the steady click of the keys as my thoughts slide into place on the page. Miss my outlet. Miss comments (shameless hint)

Kisses to your faces, Babies~


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