August 13, 2012

The Love Bug

I'm sure it's no surprise that deep down in my heart I'm desperate to become an Herbalist when I grown up. It's not like the dream I've had to be the voice of a cartoon. Yes, that's a legit dream I've had for many many years. It stated when I was 13 and watched The Little Mermaid with my family. I was all "DUDE! I could toooootallly be a rockin' voice for a Disney toon!" And I would. So that dream lives on albeit not all that realistic since you have to be Demi Moore or Drew Barrymore to land a cartoon gig these days.  But herbs? Now those babies are open to all people. Providing that you can find a mentor to intern with.
I'd stumbled upon a  guy who gives little mini courses at a community center just up the street from my house, but had missed the last class. A deep sigh sent it sliding away from me and forgot all about this guy UNTIL this link: popped up in the facebook page of a lady that I deeply admire (you can read more about her in the Apron in the Window Blog link I have to the right).

There are a couple of factors here:

1. Tuesdays is the day we start our new women's group at church.
2. Brandon and I are trying to pay down debt all while raising 3 daughter. August is back to school  time. One of our hardest months financially. i.e. we're broke!

But if I do the class by class basis and wait to start women's group....anyway, I'm highly considering it. I have about a week to decide. Seems like there are a lot of one-week-to-make-a-decisions lately.

But oh it would be so lovely :)

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