So 35 ain't too bad. It was actually a really lovely birthday all in all. Got new shoes, new make-up, free flowers from guy at Trader Joe's who was quite simply a messenger. Those flowers were from my Big Daddy. I saw them when I went into the store and thought "oh, how lovely. Those are the perfect 4th of July arrangement" and then they were mine :) And I got to go sweat my tuckus off at The Earth House Collective at a Josh Garrels concert to benefit Loving Accurately Ministries work with the AIDS afflicted in South Africa. AWESOME!
I think our birthdays are our own private New Year's. Soul Searching. Dig Deep. Personal Growth and Development Goal Setting Sessions. Couple interesting things have cropped up this year. Namely some unresolved anger issues which really is rooted in unforgiveness. yeeech. ouch. blaaaahhhh. It always stinks to think you are one type of person only to discover that maybe you aren't who you thought you were...or maybe you WERE that person and now realized that evolving isn't always for the better. But I would rather know than stay stuck in it.
Discipline is not a strong point for either myself or my other half. I'm just a very by the seat of my pants person. That or I typically have so many irons in the fire and seeing that I'm scatterbrained and haphazard by nature mingled with OCD let's just say that I flit from one thing to the next until I end up with 17 unfinished "projects" (which by projects I mean laundry and such). In my past I revolted at the idea of a schedule. Can you hear me scoff? No? Well that's because I accidentally discovered the sheer joy of creating a morning schedule for myself. Only I've let it slip as of late. Oh how I and the rest of my house has suffered because of that little tidbit.
My morning routine consists of quiet, coffee, the computer, and my bible. Some study time in the word. A Song o' the Day posting on my Facebook wall. Some recipe rummaging. Breakfast...It's my downtime. I never expected to be a morning person, but it really is a beautiful start to the day. So I'm signing off. I'm gonna do my Jesus: The One and Only study for women's group and let the love of The Master wash over me and uproot some nasty unforgiveness I've go going on. Then I'm gonna pray for my peeps. I'm gonna drink some coffee and let this day unfold...I'm thinking library time with Belle Girl and heading to Ktown to pickup my Lilliput who's been hanging with her granny for a week.
Request: Pray for Em this week. She headed off to camp yesterday all excited and reved up to go. Getting there she realized her camp week is quite small and most of the girls came in one large group kind of leaving her as the odd man out. I know she'll be fine as she always manages to find a friend quickly, but my heart was panicked when we left her yesterday. Please pray that God meets her this week and she gets what she needs to come back recharged and on fire.
Later Days, Babies~
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